TV is Dying (And so are Internet TV Subscriptions)

tv_livingroomFrom Business Insider: TV providers lost 113,000 subscribers last month INCLUDING Internet subscribers.

  • Increasingly, prime time is being given to the tablet.
  • 40% of all YouTube traffic comes from mobile.
  • Ad revenue is up (and that’s hiding the trends)
  • Less than 1/2 of broadband subscribers subscribe to cable TV (For the first time ever)

Probably the most interesting trend is the decline in paid broadband subscriptions. Increasingly, consumers are relying on the free connections at work or at the coffee shop to deliver their content.

So if fewer people are watching cable TV and fewer people are paying for Internet service, does that mean that we just don’t care about watching our favorite shows anymore?

Not necessarily.

Free wifi — at work, in coffee shops, and on campuses — is making it easier for consumers to get the shows, movies and videos they want without subscribing to any kind of cable or broadband service

via: Business Insider

(Photo: Flickr: KB35)